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SFAI’s first class trip to China being welcomed in Hangzhou’s Zhejiang Academy. Photo by Brenda Prager includes Fred Martin, Ray Mondini, Stephanie Dudek, Eddie Lee, Elsa Marley, Katie Moskowitz….Summer 1986. (please id others if you recognize anyone)

With permission, SFAA is re-posting the emails Jeff Gunderson Librarian/Archivist Anne Bremer Memorial Library has been sending out since March 2020. Please enjoy this magnificent archive.

Summer, 1969 photography exhibition, USA IN YOUR HEART organized by Jerry Burchard—included “The Establishment” photographers like Ansel Adams, Aaron Siskind, Edmund Teske, and Imogen Cunningham alongside the new “UNDERGROUND” photographers, such as Bob Heinecken, Jack Fulton, Larry Clark, Tom Zimmerman, and Phil Perkis—bridging the photo world at this pivotal time.  (NOTE that Imogen’s work involved photos on a mini-skirt worn by a ceramic model made by the Japanese-American S.F. sculptor, Ruth Asawa!) Programming included a screening of Robert Frank’s “recent film” as well as “Drawings by Carlos Villa” in the Atholl McBean Gallery.

With permission, SFAA is re-posting the emails Jeff Gunderson Librarian/Archivist Anne Bremer Memorial Library has been sending out since March 2020. Please enjoy this magnificent archive.

Course description in the 1966-67 College Catalog

Having been told by SFAI Director Fred Martin that he could teach anything he wanted, Bruce Conner proposed a class titled  Wasted Time. Martin shoots down the idea, explaining that he doesn’t want to have to justify the existence of a class with that name on student transcripts, and they compromise by calling the course Undergraduate Seminar (although the course description remains as proposed: “Wasted Time: unproductive activity of no practical application.”)

With permission, SFAA is re-posting the emails Jeff Gunderson Librarian/Archivist Anne Bremer Memorial Library has been sending out since March 2020. Please enjoy this magnificent archive.

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